Interview of an $87 Million Adwords Spender

Interview of an $87 Million Adwords Spender

Do you know what compelled me to read through the entire 4-pages of the Interview of Dr Jon Cohen at one go? It is a strong combination of intriguing headline, engaging storytelling skills (or in our trade terminology, excellent copy-writing) and interesting story. Headline? Copy writing? Yes, in the marketing and advertising realm, we can not stop telling our clients enough about the importance of copy.

Just read this headline again: “Interview with Dr Cohen: Founder of Get Google Ads Free” The immediate thought that crossed my mind was “how on earth can anyone get Google ads for free?”. Googles’ Pay Per Click functions exactly the way the name described; you pay Google when someone clicked on your ads to enter your website. I was so intrigued that I just had to click on to read the full news report. And guess what caught my eyes? A bold statement that said Dr Cohen “spent” over $87 million in Google Adwords absolutely free! Wow, what did the good doctor do to get free advertisements worth USD 87 million? It simply blew my mind because I would never have thought it was possible.

As if it was not enough to arouse my curiosity, the next paragraph also pointed out that Dr Cohen’s eBook, Get Google Ads Free, is currently the top seller on Clickbank. Considering that there are tens of thousands of websites and affiliates programs out there, getting a Clickbank Gravity of 714 to the #2 at 197 was no mean feat. I have some idea as to who are the big shots in internet marketing but just who is this Dr Cohen?

Dr Jon Cohen started his online business 9 years ago when he was 66 years old. And before embarking on this trail, he was a field doctor in Africa, a speaker for marketing seminars and a consultant to mega companies like Microsoft and Amazon. Basically, his world until then was purely off-line, he had not done any internet marketing or dabbled into the cyber world. Yet this 75-year old genius had made himself a net worth of USD68 million and started and developed 16 online venture within a decade. Wow.

By now, I’m sure you realize how the writer, Mark Daoust, gently bait me with succinct information such that I willingly walk in to discover the world of the hereto “unknown” Dr Cohen. I’m sure you are as intrigued as I am as to what Dr Cohen did.

This doctor said he borrowed some old advertising models he knew in the offline world and applied them in the cyber world. It worked and he started laughing his way to the bank. That really got me. I worked in the advertising and creative field too, but I’m still here earning my daily bread. I just had to click on Get Google Ads Free to find out more. In a nutshell, I found the cover letter compelling, convincing and persuasive on why he is giving his secret away. The numerous testimonials amplified that the secret was “the goose that lays golden eggs”, “the secret of the secrets”,“so easy we kicked ourselves in the head for not seeing this secret ourselves”.

Definitely, without a doubt, Mark Daoust and Dr Jon Cohen got me hooked with a good story and compelling story telling skills. So the basic marketing rules, AIDA, worked here: I was Attracted by the headline, my Interest soared after reading the key words, my Desire to own the book grew and I took Action to subscribe to the newsletter. On top of these:

1) The product is right. Online marketers would want to know how to place free ads at major search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, AOL Overture, etc. In fact, they would like it even better if they knew Dr Cohen’s secret apply to the over 15,00 web based searched engine.
2) The publicity is great. Dr Cohen’s interview is covered in Affiliate KB, a notable resource site for affiliate marketing. Editorial always carry more weight than paid advertisements.
3) The advertising is compelling. The cover letter at “Get Google Ads Free” convinced with facts and testimonies.
4) The story angle is right. People generally like to hear rags to riches, nobody to famous someone success tales.
5) Last but not least, the engaging story telling/copy writing skill and convincing story.

Next time, when you launch your marketing campaign, whether online or offline, just see if you managed to fulfill some of the listed factors above. Also, read Mark Daoust’s interview on Dr Jon Cohen.

Check out related post on internet marketing:
Is Internet Marketing An Effective Marketing Tool?

[tags]Dr Jon Cohen, Google Ads, Google Adwords, Get Google Ads Free, internet marketing, $87 million adwords spender[/tags]

2 Replies to “Interview of an $87 Million Adwords Spender”

  1. Versa,

    Nice article about Dr. Cohen and thanks for the fav in technorati, I’ve fav. you back as well. Since our blogs are related I thought I offer to link exchange with you. Let me know if you are interested! :)

    Swapw – making money smart

  2. Thanks for sharing Vivienne

    i had actually bookmarked Get Google Ads free for quite a while since it first came out. I must say the sales copy is one of the best out there (comparable to Chris’s Adwords Miracle & DayJob Killer).

    However, its really nothing more than arbitrage – you make more from affiliate sales to offset the cost per click of the keywords. Nothing suprising there.

    check out the comments here:

    Have you personally bought the program for $97. If so, looking forward to your honest review and feedback.



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